Joseph Littlefield's Oath of Identity Partially Filled Form


Joseph Littlefield's Oath of Identity Partially Filled Form


Civil War; Homesteading


Joseph Littlefield filled out this Oath of Identity blank form probably in preparation to certify his Civil War record documents with the notary while applying for a pension. When filled the document would testify that the person appearing before the notary is the same person whose war record would be provided.

Born in Peoria County, Illinois in 1840 Joseph Littlefield served almost three years in the Civil War as a private in company C of 102nd Illinois volunteer regiment. After the war he returned to Illinois and married Hellen Crandle. In 1879 Joseph Littlefield and his family that included his mother Joanna, who was 71 at the time, came to Nebraska Clear Creek area, Sherman County to homestead. Hellen died in 1881 and six years later Joseph, now 47, married 24 year-old Lotta (Charlotte) Roberts, and had 7 more children with her, of whom only 5 survived. Littlefield moved to Aurora, Nebraska in 1904 and died there in 1911.

The form comes from the collection of Terri and Dave Mabon. Dave Mabon is Joseph Littlefield's great-grandson.

For interviews and oral histories of this and other items please visit the History Harvest YouTube Channel.


Terri and Dave Mabon, Nebraska City History Harvest, 2010




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.









of the Town of_______________________________
County of__________in the State of__________
On this ______ day of ________in the year
one thousand eight hundred and sixty Six personally appeared
before me, the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for the County
and (?) above mentioned Joseph Littlefield
who, being duly sworn according to the law, declares that he is the
identical Joseph Littlefield who was
a Private in the Company commanded by
Captain Almond Shaw in the Regiment
(102 C) commanded by Col. F. C. Smith
that he enlisted on the 9th day of August 1862
for the term of Three Years (?) and was discharged
at Washington D.C. on the Sixth day
of June 1865 by reason of Gen Order
No 77 War Dept A,G, C and (?)
(?) of May 2nd 1865 A.G.C.

Sworn and subscribed before me the day and year above written.

I certify that ___________________before
whom the above affidavit purports to have been made, is a Justice
of the Peace duly authorized to administer oaths, and that the
above is his signature.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
my official seal, this ____ day of _________
in the year______________________
at_____________ in the State of ______________

Clerk of the __________________

Original Format

oath of identity form




“Joseph Littlefield's Oath of Identity Partially Filled Form,” History Harvest, accessed March 11, 2025,

Output Formats