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News and Updates
UNL Today: History Harvest Records 150+ Artifacts"The handwriting was delicate cursive, easily readable, but the words made little sense to UNL history students carefully turning the pages and photographing each for future archival use. 'The handwriting is beautiful,' Ashlee Anderson, a junior from Daniel, Wyo., said. 'The fact that I’m handling these things is really amazing...'"continue reading |
Daily Nebraskan: History Harvest Preserves Community History by Memorializing Artifacts Online"Lincoln residents will be able to digitally capture their favorite memories as part of History Harvest on Saturday. History Harvest is a new initiative by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of History to preserve historic documents..."continue reading |
UNL Students Call for Historical Contributions from the Community"The University of Nebraska-Lincoln History Harvest project, along with the Nebraska State Historical Society, will host its third History Harvest on Saturday, March 15, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 3p.m., at the Nebraska History Museum in downtown Lincoln at the corner of 15th and P Streets..."continue reading |
Harvard Gazette: National Digital Library Gains TractionFor a 6-month-old, the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) already has grown quite large: from an initial 2.4 million available items in April to more than 5 million. Fame came fast too, 'even in our infancy,' said DPLA Executive Director Dan Cohen..."continue reading |
Daily Nebraskan: History Harvest Blitz Week Focuses on Nebraska's Refugees"After nearly two semesters of labor, the harvest is over. In the coming days, University of Nebraska-Lincoln‘s History Harvest Blitz Week will reflect upon and publicize the stories of refugees living in Nebraska..."continue reading |
The Junto: Spring at the "History Harvest""This week, we talk to University of Nebraska-Lincoln historians William Thomas and Patrick Jones, co-directors of History Harvest, a community-based approach to creating a new people’s history of America online using the real “stuff” of our past..."continue reading |