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William Roscoe Morris and Elizabeth Frerichs, 1963
This is the Morrises' anniversary photo and a decoration from the original wedding dress preserved in the family history record. The wife, Elizabeth (Eliza) Morris (nee Frerichs) was a child of the German emigrants' descendants who settled in Otoe…
Elizabeth Frerichs and Her Friend Christie Mesigaclis
This is the photograph of Elizabeth Frerichs and her friend Christie Mesigaclis made in the 1900s. Images that portray two friends dressed up and sitting for a photograph that would become a keepsake of their friendship are more rare than traditional…
Frerichs Family Photograph
This is the Frerichs family photograph, with Herman Meinard Frerichs, his wife Rena Bohlken and their elder daughter Elizabeth, born in 1882. Herman Frerichs emigrated from Etzel in the Kingdom of Hannover with his parents in 1857, when he was just…
Patrick Kennedy's Funeral
This is the funeral photograph of Patrick Kennedy, Sue Eickhoff's great-grandfather. An emigrant form Ireland, Patrick Kennedy homesteaded in the town of Coleridge in Cedar County, NE. Funeral photographs used to be much more common then they are…
Arnold Eickhoff
Charlie Eickhoff's great-grandfather Arnold Eickhoff, born in 1836, moved to Nebraska after the Civil War and at first lived in a dugout on the border of Cedar and Knox counties. He rose to be the bank manager, and in 1893 was elected representative…
Arnold Eickhoff's Family
Charlie Eickhoff's great-grandfather Arnold Eickhoff, born in 1836, moved to Nebraska after the Civil War and at first lived in the dugout on the border of Cedar and Knox counties. He rose to be the bank manager, and in 1893 was elected…
A Tavern Lantern
Mr. Cotrupi believes this is a factory-made tavern lamp that dates back to 1860s, and was probably the property of a Nebraska City establishments.
For interviews and oral histories of this and other items please visit the History Harvest YouTube…
Fern Pot
This is a fern pot Marlene Volkmer's grandmother had. Born in 1885, she married in 1905, and Marlene Volkmer believes this pot is over a hundred years old.
For interviews and oral histories of this and other items please visit the History Harvest…
Sewing Kit
This is a sewing kit Marlene Volkmer's grandmother had. She got married in 1910, and Marlene Volkmer believes the kit was a wedding gift.
For interviews and oral histories of this and other items please visit the History Harvest YouTube Channel.
For interviews and oral histories of this and other items please visit the History Harvest YouTube Channel.
Usef Kuwa - a people's leader in the Nuba Mountains
This photo is of Usef Kuwa, father of Mengistu Kuwa. Usef was leader of people in the Nuba Mountains. He was chosen to be a leader by the people and was held with great respect according to Mengistu. Different regions had different tribes, and the…