Samuel L. Roberts' Civil War Discharged Record, January 31, 1864


Samuel L. Roberts' Civil War Discharged Record, January 31, 1864


Civil War


The Civil War discharge records reveal a treasure of personal information about age, birthplace, appearance, and conduct of the soldier. Samuel L. Roberts was discharged twice, first in 1964 in Vicksburg, Mississippi to reenlist into the 15th Iowa Infantry Veteran Regiment, and then fully discharged in July 1865.

Born in Ohio, but living in Indianola, Iowa in 1861, Roberts was only 18 when he enlisted. The 15th Iowa Volunteer Infantry Regiment where he served was mustered in 1862, and was engaged in the Battle of Shiloh, and the Second Battle of Corinth, where the Confederate army captured Roberts and later exchanged him in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Despite the pledge upon parole "not to take arms again" he probably never quit the service and in 1864 participated in the Atlanta Campaign with the 15th Iowa.

The document now belongs to Roberts' granddaughters Grace Emmett and Mary Ann Hessenflow.

For interviews and oral histories of this and other items please visit the History Harvest YouTube Channel.


United States Government


Grace Emmett and Mary Ann Hessenflow, Nebraska City History Harvest, 2010




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.








United States


To All Whom it May Concern

Know ye, That Samuel L Roberts a
Private of Captain Romulus L Hoanks
Company, (G,) 15th Regiment of Iowa Infantry
VOLUNTEERS who was enrolled on the Twentieth day of January
one thousand eight hundred and Sixty Two to serve Three years or
during the war, is hereby Discharged from the service of the United States,
this Thirty First day of January, 1864, at Vicksburg
Mississippi by reason of Reenlistment as a veteran volunteer under
Gen orders no. 191t(?) 305 Series of 1863 War Department
(No objection to his being reenlisted is known to exist.*)
Said Samuel L. Roberts was born in Clark Co
in the State of Ohio, is Eighteen years of age,
Five feet 8 inches high, Dark complexion, Dark eyes,
Dark hair, and by occupation when enrolled, a Farmer
Given at Vicksburg Miss this Thirty First day of
January 1864.


E.P. Bye 1st Lieut Co G
15th Regt Iowa Inft (?)
Commanding Hi(?) Co

1st Leut 13th Iowa Vol
Commanding the Reg't
A, C, M 1st div 17th AC

Original Format

discharged record




United States Government, “Samuel L. Roberts' Civil War Discharged Record, January 31, 1864,” History Harvest, accessed March 12, 2025,

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